Results for ' De Yang'

964 found
  1.  48
    Entstehen und Erstarren: Das Differenzieren und Identifizieren in Husserls Zeitphänomenologie.Yang Peng - 2021 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Der Autor hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Husserls Phänomemologie der Zeit systematisch zu interpretieren und das Differenzieren und Identifizieren zu problematisieren. Er untersucht Husserls Zeitphänomenologie mit rein phänomenologischem Blick, damit folgende Fragen beantwortet werden können: Worin liegt die Bedeutung von Husserls Zeitforschung? Beschränken sich seine Zeitgedanken noch auf die Denkweise der Metaphysik, wie Natorp und Heidegger behaupten. Wenn ja, worin verkörpert sich die metaphysische Denkweise und inwiefern bewegen sie sich im Rahmen der Tradition? Diese Untersuchung beginnt damit, Husserls Zeitphänomenologie systematisch (...)
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    Entstehen und Erstarren: Das Differenzieren und Identifizieren in Husserls Zeitphänomenologie.Yang Peng - 2021 - Berlin: Logos Verlag.
    Der Autor hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Husserls Phänomemologie der Zeit systematisch zu interpretieren und das Differenzieren und Identifizieren zu problematisieren. Er untersucht Husserls Zeitphänomenologie mit rein phänomenologischem Blick, damit folgende Fragen beantwortet werden können: Worin liegt die Bedeutung von Husserls Zeitforschung? Beschränken sich seine Zeitgedanken noch auf die Denkweise der Metaphysik, wie Natorp und Heidegger behaupten. Wenn ja, worin verkörpert sich die metaphysische Denkweise und inwiefern bewegen sie sich im Rahmen der Tradition? Diese Untersuchung beginnt damit, Husserls Zeitphänomenologie systematisch (...)
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  3. Projection of Multiple Fantasies: De-subjectivity of Images in Long Day’s Journey into Night.Yu Yang - 2022 - International Journal of the Image 13 (1):63-79.
    Gilles Deleuze demonstrated the key role of flashback in dealing with the relationship between actual image and recollection-image when interpreting the temporality of images. He established two criteria for judging whether a flashback implies a recollection-image by stating that: (1) it serves as some kind of prompt in the narrative to make the viewer perceive that the scene has entered a flashback; (2) it relies on fate or forking time. But Deleuze also mentioned that, if the context or condition disappears, (...)
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  4. Resistance to Position Change, Motivated Reasoning, and Polarization.Matthew L. Stanley, Paul Henne, Brenda Yang & Felipe De Brigard - forthcoming - Political Behavior.
    People seem more divided than ever before over social and political issues, entrenched in their existing beliefs and unwilling to change them. Empirical research on mechanisms driving this resistance to belief change has focused on a limited set of well-known, charged, contentious issues and has not accounted for deliberation over reasons and arguments in belief formation prior to experimental sessions. With a large, heterogeneous sample (N = 3,001), we attempt to overcome these existing problems, and we investigate the causes and (...)
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  5. The Fallacy of Self-Referencing Images: The Use of Ambiguous Characters in Moving Images through the Form of Painting.Yu Yang - 2021 - Riact-Revista de Investigação Artística, Criação e Tecnologia 3:13-35.
    Connecting research and production, art research represents a breaking of the barrier between creation and academia. However, there is also a contradiction contained in this kind of research deriving from its methods, since the process of art-based practice must, by its very nature, involve the subjectivity of the artist. I use my own studies as the research object to discuss this issue, and this article presents the problems I encountered during my artistic practice and research of ambiguous roles. This paper (...)
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  6. Exploring the Sincerity of the Will: Comparative Analysis of Chu Hsi, Wang Yang-ming, and Śaṅkara.Wesley De Sena - manuscript
    This paper primarily focuses on a pivotal argument within "The Great Learning" between Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming. Specifically, this argument revolves around whether one should prioritize investigating things before cultivating the sincerity of will or vice versa. In simpler terms, does genuine sincerity need to precede the exploration of a matter one deeply cares about, or does sincerity naturally evolve due to the initial investigation of the issue? Through thoroughly exploring various issues stemming from Chu Hsi's perspective, I (...)
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  7. Vitaminas e minerais na nutrição de bovinos.Joyanne Mirelle de Sousa Ferreira, Cleyton de Almeida Araújo, Rosa Maria dos Santos Pessoa, Glayciane Costa Gois, Fleming Sena Campos, Saullo Laet Almeida Vicente, Angela Maria dos Santos Pessoa, Dinah Correia da Cunha Castro Costa, Paulo César da Silva Azevêdo & Deneson Oliveira Lima - 2023 - Rev Colombiana Cienc Anim. Recia 15 (2):e969.
    RESUMO A alimentação é o fator que mais onera um sistema de produção animal. Assim, a utilização de diferentes estratégias de alimentação dos animais ainda é o grande desafio da nutrição animal, principalmente, levando em consideração as exigências nutricionais de diferentes categorias de ruminantes, em especial bovinos em regiões tropicais, haja vista que a sazonalidade na produção de forragens afeta diretamente a produção bovina, promovendo inadequação no atendimento das exigências nutricionais dos animais principalmente em minerais e vitaminas. Uma alimentação que (...)
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    RESUMO A inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) é uma das biotecnologias de reprodução mais estudadas dos últimos anos, e a busca pelo equilíbrio entre a fisiologia animal e o controle hormonal fomenta uma série de estudos. Sendo assim, o objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da aplicação do hormônio liberador de gonadotrofinas (GnRH) no dia zero (D0) do protocolo de IATF, a base de estrógeno e progesterona sobre a taxa de penhez por IATF. O experimento foi desenvolvido (...)
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  9. SÖZLER GÜÇ - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    21. yüzyılın üçüncü on yılının şafağında, insanlığın varlığı son derece tehlikeli hale geldi. Ormanlarımızı kesiyor, tatlı su akiferlerimizi tüketiyor ve hayati önem taşıyan topraklarımızı kaybediyoruz. Okyanuslarımızdaki yaşamı sıyırıp yerine yüz milyonlarca ton plastik atık koyuyoruz. Çevremizi toksik endüstriyel kimyasallarla dolduruyoruz. Kirliliğimiz, kıtalardaki yaşamın dokusunu parçalayan ısı dalgalarına, kuraklıklara ve vahşi yangınlara neden olan iklim değişikliğini tetikliyor. Ve dünyaya yeni nesiller getiriyoruz, onurlu bir varoluşun kaynaklarına erişmeye ihtiyaç duyan milyonlarca insan. Hayata yönelik tehditlerin kapsamı ve genişliği her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu (...)
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  10. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This seventh volume of Collected Papers includes 70 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2013-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 122 co-authors from 22 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel-Nasser Hussian, C. Alexander, Mumtaz Ali, Yaman Akbulut, Amir Abdullah, Amira S. Ashour, Assia Bakali, Kousik Bhattacharya, Kainat Bibi, R. N. Boyd, Ümit Budak, Lulu Cai, Cenap Özel, Chang Su Kim, Victor Christianto, Chunlai Du, Chunxin Bo, Rituparna Chutia, Cu Nguyen Giap, Dao The (...)
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  11. (1 other version)REFLEKSI ALIRAN-ALIRAN TEORI PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN BERDASARKAN KEHIDUPAN.Choirul Anam & Hanif Rani Iswari (eds.) - 2022 - Malang: Literasi Nusantara.
    Pengambilan Keputusan selama beberapa dekade mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Sehingga dapat merubah sudut pandang kehidupan. Keputusan memiliki makna pilihan. Teori keputusan filosofis berakar pada studi penalaran praktis. Teori keputusan membantu epistemologi dalam mempelajari keyakinan rasional dan membantu etika dalam mempelajari tindakan, tujuan, dan karakter yang baik. Teori keputusan berkembang pada abad ke-20 karena karya Frank Ramsey, Bruno de Finetti, Leonard Savage, Richard Jeffrey. Kemudian, terdapat aliran-aliran teori mengenai pengambilan keputusan, diantaranya utilitarisme (Betham, 1748-1832; Mill, 1806-1873), deontology (Broad, (...)
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    Analyzing the narrative context of post-industrial audio-visual works in Northeast China from the absurdity in the documentary Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (2002).Yu Yang, Yuxing Chen & Yarong Zeng - 2024 - In M. F. Mohd Sharif (ed.), SHS Web of Conferences, 2024 International Conference on Language Research and Communication (ICLRC 2024). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.
    Since 2019, Northeastern post-industrial culture has been a popular topic of discussion; the general public refers to it as the Northeastern Renaissance. Crises of identity, honor, and faith have been recurring themes in several Northeastern films released in recent years. Furthermore, these cinematic narratives frequently generate somber humor by presenting an enormous contrast between ideals and actuality. The article examines how the post-industrial narrative context of Northeast China has influenced audio-visual cultural products and contemporary Chinese popular culture. To elucidate the (...)
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  13.  94
    Is quantum mechanics real or complex?Shu-Di Yang - manuscript
    It has been long debated whether quantum mechanics is real or complex. Local experiments have been carried out confirming the complex nature of quantum mechanics in the standard formalism. Nevertheless, recent theoretical work demonstrated that in a closed universe, quantum mechanics is real. We discuss the philosophical implications of whether quantum mechanics is real or complex.
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  14. Instructions for Practical Living and Other Neo-Confucian WritingsThe Philosophy of Wang Yang-ming.David S. Nivison, Wang Yang-Ming, Wing-Tsit Chan & Frederick Goodrich Henke - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):436.
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    Depicting Doctrine: Theological Paradox and Conceptual Iconography.Eric Yang - 2023 - In Jonathan C. Rutledge (ed.), Paradox and Contradiction in Theology. New York, NY: Routledge Academic.
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  16. Ramsey and Joyce on Deliberation and Prediction.Yang Liu & Huw Price - 2020 - Synthese 197:4365-4386.
    Can an agent deliberating about an action A hold a meaningful credence that she will do A? 'No', say some authors, for 'Deliberation Crowds Out Prediction' (DCOP). Others disagree, but we argue here that such disagreements are often terminological. We explain why DCOP holds in a Ramseyian operationalist model of credence, but show that it is trivial to extend this model so that DCOP fails. We then discuss a model due to Joyce, and show that Joyce's rejection of DCOP rests (...)
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  17. Heart of DARCness.Yang Liu & Huw Price - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):136-150.
    There is a long-standing disagreement in the philosophy of probability and Bayesian decision theory about whether an agent can hold a meaningful credence about an upcoming action, while she deliberates about what to do. Can she believe that it is, say, 70% probable that she will do A, while she chooses whether to do A? No, say some philosophers, for Deliberation Crowds Out Prediction (DCOP), but others disagree. In this paper, we propose a valid core for DCOP, and identify terminological (...)
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  18. Why Should LGBTQI Marriage Be Legalized.Yang Pachankis - 2022 - Academia Letters 4 (5157).
    Traditional paradigm on marriage equality focused on a humanitarian appeal and was set as a path dependency model on marriage equality for the suppressed regions. However, such gender based focus has largely neglected the multilateral movements underlying the macro- political-economic structures that shaped law as a power political means. Consequentially, LGBTQI existence became marginalized from the public consciousness with structural realist state hierarchies that further undermines the fundamental freedoms of the LGBTQI popula- tion. This makes the question on LGBTQI equal (...)
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  19.  55
    Renormalization group theory in physics and general science.Shu-Di Yang - manuscript
    Renormalization group (RG) theory, while proposed to study particle physics, has found its usage in a large variety of topics over the years, including other physics branches like solid state physics, fluid mechanics, cosmology, machine learning and even non-physics fields like biology, epidemiology, economics, psychology, sociology and so on. The omnipresence of renormalization group theory thus raises the philosophical question of what are the common features of the systems that enable the employment of RG theory and what can be revealed (...)
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  20. A Multi-wavelength Data Analysis with Multi-mission Space Telescopes.Yang I. Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7 (1):701-708.
    The article summarizes the software tool on astrophysical analysis with multi-wavelength space telescope data. It recaps the evidence analysis conducted on the Kerr-Newman black hole (KNBH). It was written prior to the article Research on the Kerr-Newman Black Hole in M82 Confirms Black Hole and White Hole Juxtapose not soon after the experiment. The conducted analysis suggested Hawking radiation is caused by the movement of ergosurfaces of the BH and serves as the primal evidence for black hole and white hole (...)
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  21. Religious Belief and the Wisdom of Crowds.Jack Warman & Leandro De Brasi - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):17-31.
    In their simplest form, consensus gentium arguments for theism argue that theism is true on the basis that everyone believes that theism is true. While such arguments may have been popular in history, they have all but fallen from grace in the philosophy of religion. In this short paper, we reconsider the neglected topic of consensus gentium arguments, paying particular attention to the value of such arguments when deployed in the defence of theistic belief. We argue that while consensus gentium (...)
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  22. What Subjective Experiences Determine the Perception of Falling Asleep During the Sleep Onset Period?C. M. Yang & Timothy Lane - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1084-1092.
    Sleep onset is associated with marked changes in behavioral, physiological, and subjective phenomena. In daily life though subjective experience is the main criterion in terms of which we identify it. But very few studies have focused on these experiences. This study seeks to identify the subjective variables that reflect sleep onset. Twenty young subjects took an afternoon nap in the laboratory while polysomnographic recordings were made. They were awakened four times in order to assess subjective experiences that correlate with the (...)
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  23. Physical Signals and their Thermonuclear Astrochemical Potentials: A Review on Outer Space Technologies.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7 (5):669-674.
    The article reviews on the technical attributes on current technologies deployed in outer space and those that are being developed and mass produced. The article refutes the Chinese state-controlled Xinhua News’ propaganda several years ago on objecting America’s deployment of nuclear technologies in outer space with rigorous scientific evidence. Furthermore, the article warns on the dangers of physical signals applied in outer space technologies that can threaten the solar system, especially the Mozi quantum satellite with photon beams. The article concludes (...)
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  24. White Hole Observation: An Experimental Result.Yang I. Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7 (2):779-790.
    The article presents the empirical confirmation to the black hole and white hole juxtapose theory. The author based the experiment on the multi- mission multi-spectral space telescope data conducted remotely with the NASA Data Challenge and Harvard- Smithsonian Micro-Observatory. Since the loss of the original manuscript, the author reformulated the mathematics during the research. The observation developed a resonance observation technique that observed the white hole to the moon’s direction with the sun. The data reduction of the white hole and (...)
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  25. Countable Additivity, Idealization, and Conceptual Realism.Yang Liu - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (1):127-147.
    This paper addresses the issue of finite versus countable additivity in Bayesian probability and decision theory -- in particular, Savage's theory of subjective expected utility and personal probability. I show that Savage's reason for not requiring countable additivity in his theory is inconclusive. The assessment leads to an analysis of various highly idealised assumptions commonly adopted in Bayesian theory, where I argue that a healthy dose of, what I call, conceptual realism is often helpful in understanding the interpretational value of (...)
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  26. The Modern Origins & Sources of China’s Techtransfer.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 13 (7):18-25.
    The research identified the key element on P. R. China’s incentives in modern history on techtransfer practices. With reviewing on the state funding surrogacy in the natural sciences, the author identified the key militant coercive contracting clauses in the document of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. With its combined workings with the statutory & martial laws, the analysis takes a com- parative culture approach that partially counteracts the work of the “United Front Working Group of the CPC”, which (...)
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  27. The Existentialist View (on the Content of Experience) Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (2):63-88..
    This article presents a dual purpose: to carefully consider objections against the existentialist conception of the content of visual experience and to develop and defend a version of it that avoids such objections, specifically addressing the so-called "problem of particularity." The main thesis is that the existential content of visual experience should be understood as relativized, being incomplete content (rather than classical, complete propositions), modeled as a function of the sextuple of the object, agent, time, place, causal relation, and world (...)
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  28. Incomplete Preference and Indeterminate Comparative Probabilities.Yang Liu - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (3):795-810.
    The notion of comparative probability defined in Bayesian subjectivist theory stems from an intuitive idea that, for a given pair of events, one event may be considered “more probable” than the other. Yet it is conceivable that there are cases where it is indeterminate as to which event is more probable, due to, e.g., lack of robust statistical information. We take that these cases involve indeterminate comparative probabilities. This paper provides a Savage-style decision-theoretic foundation for indeterminate comparative probabilities.
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  29. Some Concepts of Space, Time, and Lengths in Simplified Chinese*: An Analytical Linguistics Approach.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7 (6):550-562.
    The article explains on the two-year experiment after the author’s finalization of dissertation. The thesis of the dissertation was hidden in the last chapter with analytical linguistics. It was done so with the fascist development of the Chinese Communist regime with neo- Nazi characteristics. Since numerous prior warnings on the political downshifts & coup d’état in China was willfully ignored by the university, the linguistic innovations in dissertation found a balance between multilateralism and outer space (security). The experiments were conducted (...)
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  30. Nightlife on New York Subway.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - manuscript
    The article reports on some societal observations conducted in 2019 on New York subways. With comparison to the subway management cases observed in Milan and mainland China, the article contends that the phenomenon in the New York public-funded transportation system reflects the spirit of equality in human with efficacy on the utility of the public-funded infrastructure. The message in the letter concludes that public & private fundings need to be drawn for the human development of the homeless population in the (...)
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  31. XVI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011).Walter Carnielli, Renata de Freitas & Petrucio Viana - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):150-151.
    This is the report on the XVI BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (EBL 2011) held in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between May 9–13, 2011 published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Volume 18, Number 1, March 2012. -/- The 16th Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011) was held in Petro ́polis, from May 9th to 13th, 2011, at the Laboratório Nacional de Computação o Científica (LNCC). It was the sixteenth in a series of conferences that started in 1977 with the aim of (...)
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  32. The Sure-thing Principle and P2.Yang Liu - 2017 - Economics Letters 159:221-223.
    This paper offers a fine analysis of different versions of the well known sure-thing principle. We show that Savage's formal formulation of the principle, i.e., his second postulate (P2), is strictly stronger than what is intended originally.
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  33. Targeted Human Trafficking -- The Wars between Proxy and Surrogated Economy.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 13 (7):398-409.
    Upon Brexit & Trade War, the research took a supply-side analysis in macroeconomic paradigm for the purpose and cause of the actions. In the geopolitical competitions on crude oil resources between the allied powers & the Russian hegemony, the latter of which has effective control over P. R. China’s multilateral behaviors, the external research induced that trade war, either by complete information in intelligence or an unintended result, was a supply chain attack in prohibiting the antisatellite weapon supplies in the (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Hey, Google, leave those kids alone: Against hypernudging children in the age of big data.James Smith & Tanya de Villiers-Botha - 2021 - AI and Society.
    Children continue to be overlooked as a topic of concern in discussions around the ethical use of people’s data and information. Where children are the subject of such discussions, the focus is often primarily on privacy concerns and consent relating to the use of their data. This paper highlights the unique challenges children face when it comes to online interferences with their decision-making, primarily due to their vulnerability, impressionability, the increased likelihood of disclosing personal information online, and their developmental capacities. (...)
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  35. Problems on the Legalization of LGBT Marriage in the Communist Block - A Preliminary Legal Review.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - forthcoming - Scientific Research Publishing.
    The article analyzes the legislative issues on equal marriage in P. R. China. It adopts a path dependency analysis on the liberal institutional order’s effects to the regime’s structural discrimination on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population. The research adopted a duo-lingual paradigm on Christianity with intercultural and transnational interpretations, and the research found the mis-adaption of language in the Chinese text of the United Nations charter is the key source to the suppression of the LGBT population in (...)
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  36. A Multicultural Retrospective on Endogenous Chinese Sino-Centric Civilizational Becoming.Yang Cao - 2020 - Dissertation,
    Contemporary globalization is largely shaped by the predominant position and strength of the United States, and the concept of globalization is cast upon the polity and social aspects of P.R. China after Reform and Opening. Globalization, though substantially varied in a modern scene, is not without historical and cultural roots. The future holds anew, whereas newly arisen pieces of knowledge and information shed new light on the past, the blood and violence of the political progress on the Chinese soil. This (...)
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  37. Editorial to “Decision theory and the future of AI”.Yang Liu, Stephan Hartmann & Huw Price - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 27):6413-6414.
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  38. Ludic Unreliability and Deceptive Game Design.Stefano Gualeni & Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 3 (1):1-22.
    Drawing from narratology and design studies, this article makes use of the notions of the ‘implied designer’ and ‘ludic unreliability’ to understand deceptive game design as a specific sub-set of transgressive game design. More specifically, in this text we present deceptive game design as the deliberate attempt to misguide players’ inferences about the designers’ intentions. Furthermore, we argue that deceptive design should not merely be taken as a set of design choices aimed at misleading players in their efforts to understand (...)
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  39. Seriamente entediado: Schopenhauer sobre o confinamento solitário, de David Bather Woods.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva, Alexandre de Lima Castro Tranjan & David Bather Woods - 2022 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 2 (12):1-34.
    A evidência textual primária confirma que Schopenhauer estava ciente da adoção generalizada do confinamento solitário no sistema penitenciário americano e alguns de seus efeitos prejudiciais. Ele entende sua perniciosidade no que diz respeito ao tédio, fenômeno pelo qual é conhecido por ter nele pensado e analisado extensivamente. Neste artigo, eu interpreto o relato de Schopenhauer sobre o tédio e sua relação com o confinamento solitário. Defendo Schopenhauer contra a objeção de que os casos de confinamento servem apenas para ilustrar a (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Karma Chameleon: Performative Acts, Gender Constitution, and the Second British Invasion.Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (1):56-60.
    The aim is to examine the performative acts and gender constitution in the context of the Second British Invasion. Despite the pervasive character of patriarchy and the prevalence of sexual difference as an operative cultural distinction, gender was not passively scripted on the bodies of many British singers. The subversive performances did not exclude suffering and marginalization but simultaneously undermined compulsory coherence.
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  41. Akrasia and the Desire to Become Someone Else: Venturinha on Moral Matters.Javier González De Prado Salas - forthcoming - Philosophia.
    This paper discusses practical akrasia from the perspective of the sophisticated form of moral subjectivism that can be derived from Nuno Venturinha’s (2018) remarks on moral matters.
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  42. A Taxonomy of the Complexities of Embedded Narratives in Film: From Literary Description Simulation to the Visuality-Triggered Self-Referential Fallacy.Yu Yang & Yarong Zeng - 2024 - Innovación y Expresión: Un Recorrido Por Las Artes, la Cultura Visual y la Inteligencia Artificial En la Era Digital.
    The article will be divided into three parts: 1. Explain the literary origins of the nesting pattern and its relationship to cinema narrative, and analyse the nesting tactics commonly used in films under Hollywood’s classical narrative. 2. Describe the variations in nested structures in films made in the 1990s, focusing on self-reflexive nesting, which emerged as a new model beyond conventional nesting during this period. 3. Distinguish the literary style of embedded narratives from the visual recognition mode and provide an (...)
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  43. Rediscovering Republicanism in China: Beyond the Debate Between New Leftists and Liberals.Yang Xiao - 2003 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (3):18-34.
    Lack of a historical sense is the hereditary defect of philosophers. … So what is needed from now on is historical philosophizing, and with it the virtue of modesty.
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    Fuzzy R Systems and Algebraic Routley-Meyer Semantics.Eunsuk Yang - 2022 - Korean Journal of Logic 25 (3):313-332.
    Here algebraic Routley-Meyer semantics is addressed for two fuzzy versions of the logic of relevant implication R. To this end, two versions R t and R T of R and their fuzzy extensions FRt and FRT , respectively, are first discussed together with their algebraic semantics. Next algebraic Routley-Meyer semantics for these two fuzzy extensions is introduced. Finally, it is verified that these logics are sound and complete over the semantics.
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  45. A Simpler and More Realistic Subjective Decision Theory.Haim Gaifman & Yang Liu - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4205--4241.
    In his classic book “the Foundations of Statistics” Savage developed a formal system of rational decision making. The system is based on (i) a set of possible states of the world, (ii) a set of consequences, (iii) a set of acts, which are functions from states to consequences, and (iv) a preference relation over the acts, which represents the preferences of an idealized rational agent. The goal and the culmination of the enterprise is a representation theorem: Any preference relation that (...)
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  46. Two Tales of Epistemic Models.Yang Liu - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):291-302.
    This short paper has two parts. First,we prove a generalisation of Aumann’s surprising impossibility result in the context of rational decision making. We then move, in the second part, to discuss the interpretational meaning of some formal setups of epistemic models, and we do so by means of presenting an interesting puzzle in epistemic logic. The aim is to highlight certain problematic aspects of these epistemic systems concerning first/third-person asymmetry which underlies both parts of the story. This asymmetry, we argue, (...)
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  47. Epistemologia e Currículo: registro do II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino da UFRGS.Gisele Dalva Secco, Ronai Pires da Rocha, Daniel Simão Nascimento, Nastassja Pugliese, Frank Thoma Sautter, Marta Vitória de Alencar & Renato Matoso Brandão - 2015 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
    O livro reúne textos apresentados no II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino, realizado na UFRGS em 2015, com a temática "Epistemologia e Currículo" -/- .
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  48. Frege's Begriffsschrift is Indeed First-Order Complete.Yang Liu - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (4):342-344.
    It is widely taken that the first-order part of Frege's Begriffsschrift is complete. However, there does not seem to have been a formal verification of this received claim. The general concern is that Frege's system is one axiom short in the first-order predicate calculus comparing to, by now, the standard first-order theory. Yet Frege has one extra inference rule in his system. Then the question is whether Frege's first-order calculus is still deductively sufficient as far as the first-order completeness is (...)
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  49. The Pragmatic Turn: Articulating Communicative Practice in the Analects.Yang Xiao - 2005 - Oriens Extremus 45 (6):235-54.
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  50. SOBRE A PREDICAÇÃO EM ARISTÓTELES: COMPOSICIONALIDADE E CORRESPONDÊNCIA.John Karley de Souza Aquino - 2015 - Expressão Católica 4 (2):1-13.
    O presente artigo se propõe definir o que é predicação em Aristóteles, como predicamos e qual o critério para determinar se uma predicação é verdadeira ou falsa. Nossas referências serão o livro Das Categorias, do capítulo 1 ao 5 e Da interpretação do capítulo 1 ao 6. Concluiremos que a teoria da predicação em Aristóteles afirma que definir algo é predicar e que o critério de verdade de uma proposição é a sua correspondência aos fatos.
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